Emotional Intelligence for success in IT profession
What is the measure of success? Is it only a strong logical mind? Well for several years, it was considered that intelligence is the main factor for success. However recently some fundamental theories have been introduced: The Multiple Intelligences Theory (Gardner, 1983) and The Emotional Intelligence Theory (Mayer & Salovey, 1990, Goleman, 1995). Studies shows that IQ contributes only 20% of one’s success where as 80% of success depends on the Emotional Intelligence ( EQ) .
IQ alone is no more the measure for success; emotional intelligence and social intelligence also play a big role in a person’s success. Since we understand that emotional intelligence is considered vital for success, it is important for every institution to impart training to enhance emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence (EI) or emotional quotient (EQ) is the capability of individuals to recognize their own, and other people’s emotion, to get self-motivated and motivate others as well as to adapt with the changing environments and to achieve one’s goal.
In simple words, being emotionally intelligent is to be aware of your feelings and how they affect ones work environment. When the emotional quotient is high, one can recognize mood, get better control on impulses and develop a sense of internal motivation to excel. EQ also helps to understand and tend to empathize with other people’s feelings and reactions and manage professional relationships better. Once this knowledge to enhance the EQ is known, it will help one to understand the inner strengths and weakness.
Along with acquiring IT skills it is also important to find time to work on social skills and to improve communication skills. One needs to identify the factors that make the behaviour consistent, not just to other employees, but to oneself. This includes recognizing, harnessing, predicting, fostering, valuing, soothing, increasing, decreasing, managing, shifting, influencing or turning around emotions and integrating accurate emotional information into decision-making, reasoning, problem solving etc.
The Core Emotional Intelligence Skills that IT Professionals need to have are
- Self-awareness.
- Self-expression.
- Self-regulation.
- Social awareness.
- Social skills.
I am glad to know that BELAMAN SOLUTIONS educate students with one main objective in mind: their success which also includes emotional intelligence training.